Agape Groups at
Chawn Hill Church
Chawn Hill Church
Join one of our Agape Groups — a smaller setting where you can make friends, grow in faith and connect with the life of the church.

Thirty Somethings - an evening Agape Group run by women just for women in their 30's and 40's
A small group of women, mostly in our 30's. We meet to discuss the previous Sunday's sermon or explore a book, and look at ways to apply the teaching of Jesus to our lives, discuss topics of interest, and pray for each other. We also enjoy a good social!
20:00 (fortnightly)
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Pedmore Pilgrims
We are a friendly group of people, meeting fortnightly for fellowship, worship, Bible based study and prayer, while also supporting each other both practically and spiritually in between. From time to time, we may also be found in a local café.
We meet in Pedmore but draw people from the wider area. Our group name is inspired by Psalm 84:5, "Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage". Pilgrims are people who usually travel together towards their goal, encouraging, supporting, learning from, and praying for each other, which really describes what we do.
19:30 (fortnightly)

Agape Hour Of Power - Tony Lloyd (men only group)
In an increasingly busy world our church must adapt and provide an accessible means to grow disciples. We must learn God's Story if we are going to be influenced by it, we must learn the value of prayer and how to share each other's burdens and delights. Our home groups have traditionally been a space for that and will continue to be that but for some people who don't have an evening but do have an hour – The Hour of Power works wonderfully.
The Hour of Power is an hour of bringing our story of thankfulness, struggles or stress, sharing them in close community and praying together. Then discovering God and being influenced by God's Story.
To join a group sign up via the 'sign up' button below or via the Church Office and we will connect you with a group
Stourbridge, Differing locations within Stourbridge
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Lydia - Ladies 20's to 30's Agape Group
We are an evening group for women in their 20's and 30's sharing the highs and lows of life together, reading scripture and praying for each other. We love meeting, having a cuppa and growing deeper in our love for God.
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Mums and Little Ones Agape Group
Mums and Little Ones is a day-time Agape group for Mums to bring their babies and toddlers along to, run by Sarah Todorov with the help of her little one! We meet on Monday mornings during term-time and spend time praying, reading and discussing God's word and sharing the highs and lows of life with little ones together. We welcome the noisy, the messy and the smelly! We are focused on carving out time at the start of the week to look up and allow God to give us His perspective on whatever is going on in our daily lives. We are committed to encouraging one-another and deepening our faith in the season of mothering little ones. If you too are in this amazing but sometimes overwhelming season of life, we would love to welcome you to our group!

Oasis Tuesday - a daytime Agape Group run by women for women
We're a group of women who meet fortnightly in the day time. We eat breakfast, deepen friendships, share, read the Bible, and pray together, discovering more about God's plans and purposes for our lives. Between meetings we provide support and prayer for each other via our WhatsApp group. We are open to all women joining.
09:45 (fortnightly)
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Agape Hour of Power - Clive and Cal
In an increasingly busy world our church must adapt and provide an accessible means to grow disciples. We must learn God's Story if we are going to be influenced by it, we must learn the value of prayer and how to share each other's burdens and delights. Our home groups have traditionally been a space for that and will continue to be that but for some people who don't have an evening but do have an hour – The Hour of Power works wonderfully.
The Hour of Power is an hour of bringing our story of thankfulness, struggles or stress, sharing them in close community and praying together. Then discovering God and being influenced by God's Story.
This group is now FULL. To join a group please contact the Church Office and we will connect you with a group
, B63 1JZ

The Mighty & the Meek - an afternoon Agape Group for both men and women
We are a large home group of about 12 people made up of the more mature variety (age wise!). We meet together to chat, worship, study the bible together and pray. Absolutely everyone is welcome and we would love younger people to join us too.
15:00 (fortnightly)
Wollescote, Stourbidge,
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Tom & Charlotte's - an evening Agape Group for both men and women
We are a relaxed and friendly group who study the bible and pray together, going out for a meal every now and then.
19:00 (fortnightly)
different Stourbridge locations,
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Sam and Steve's - a Wednesday evening Agape Group for both men and women
Loving fellowship, food, fun and Jesus. We hope the group gives everyone a chance to encourage one another in their walk of faith together.
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Hallelujah Wednesday - an evening Agape Group for men and women
Hallelujah Wednesday meet in a home on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm. We are a group of mostly retired, but not retiring people, who love Jesus. We are eager to use our latter years to serve the purposes of God and to use our time to bring the good news of Jesus to our families, friends and strangers. Through prayer, worship and bible study, we support each other practically and through the issues of life, as we live out the love of Jesus together.

Agape Discipleship Group
We are a small group of ladies who meet fortnightly on a Wednesday evening. Our times together are full of laughter, honesty, encouragement and application. As we read the bible together, we focus on how we can become more like Jesus and put him at the centre of our lives. When we pray, it is with an expectancy that God will answer our prayers and draw close.
Together we are learning how to live and love like Jesus.

Kidderminster -Agape Group
The Kiddy Group meets on alternate Wednesday evenings in the houses of it's members. The meetings so far have usually included biscuits, and occasionally cake. We are quite a small group, quite a way from Chawn Hill itself, and see a need to have a group for "Chawnies" in Kidderminster. Our goal is to share, support and learn from each other, and grow our Christian lives together. So if you live in Kidderminster, or anywhere remotely close to it, we would love you to join us.
Kidderminster homes,
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Agape Hour Of Power - Mike Darby (men only group)
In an increasingly busy world our church must adapt and provide an accessible means to grow disciples. We must learn God's Story if we are going to be influenced by it, we must learn the value of prayer and how to share each other's burdens and delights. Our home groups have traditionally been a space for that and will continue to be that but for some people who don't have an evening but do have an hour – The Hour of Power works wonderfully.
The Hour of Power is an hour of bringing our story of thankfulness, struggles or stress, sharing them in close community and praying together. Then discovering God and being influenced by God's Story.
To join a group sign up via the 'sign up' button below or via the Church Office and we will connect you with a group
, Stourbridge
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Chawn Hill Church, Chawn Hill, Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY9 7JD, UK
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