Chawn Hill Church
Do you have a prayer request or are you yourself in need of prayer? At Chawn, we believe that God is interested in all of our lives and all of our needs and that prayer changes things.
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
Ephesians 6:18
Say one for me
There are several ways to receive prayer and make prayer requests known. You can either email, phone the church office on 01384 397287, or online via the simple form below.
If you are on Slack, you can post a general prayer request directly onto our designated 'prayer request' group. Email and we will get you joined up straight away.

Praying It Through
Do your thoughts keep returning to a knotty issue, a hurt, a dilemma, or a decision that needs to be made?
Praying It Through is an opportunity to spend time with a couple of members of the Prayer Ministry Team praying into this.
If you’d like to make time and space to pray through something that is on your heart or mind, please speak to Elisabeth or contact her at and a time will be arranged to meet up with a couple of members of the team.

Prayer Ministry Team
The prayer ministry team is available to pray with you each Sunday. During the worship, members of the team are found at the back of the church. After the service ends, they can be found at the front, righthand side.
Call Us
+44 (0) 1384 397287
Email Us